jenna morton she said times transcript

Ignoring Sexual Assaults is not Helping

Nearly 7,000 Canadian women and men are told by police each year that their report of a sexual assault is not, by police definition, a valid allegation. This represents a national unfounded rate of 19%. In the area served by the Codiac Regional RCMP, the unfounded rate is 33%. I wonder what change would come if more people like me started reporting our assaults, too.

jenna morton she said times transcript

More New Brunswick Women Joining Politics is Good for All

I’m not much of a political junkie, but I was excited this week by our provincial politics. Jennifer McKenzie is taking over the leadership of the New Democratic Party. Ho hum, you may think, but…

freedom children free range walking corner store unstructured play

Corner Stores and Coal Mines

Coal miners once brought canaries down into the pits with them. The birds were more than company; they were an early warning system. If carbon monoxide levels were rising, the birds would feel the impact…

jenna morton she said times transcript

Jones Lake Swimming Could Change Moncton

Swimmers in the Moncton area are feeling a bit desperate this summer. Parlee Beach keeps failing safety tests for swimming. Centennial Beach is closed. There’s no East End pool. So when a website listed Jones…

jenna morton she said times transcript

Inspiring our Economy

It was a big headline this week: Moncton tops the list for commercial and industrial development in Atlantic Canada. Statistics Canada reports that the Greater Moncton Area saw $163.9 million spent on non-residential building construction…

jenna morton she said times transcript

Riverview Farmers Market Revised

It’s a great plan. Bring the market to an established audience. Build the connections. Show the value. Then when the warm weather fades, you can expect at least a portion of your summer shoppers will follow you inside to enjoy a year-round, mid-week market. Hopefully.

jenna morton she said times transcript

Listing our Potential

I love lists. Most of us do. It’s a psychological thing. Lists give us easy-to-digest tidbits of information that we’re anxious to make sure we don’t miss out on. We love to guess what’s on…

graduation prom moncton tradition pickle planet

Graduations Need a Make Over

Let’s bring the celebration of accomplishment out of the high school gymnasium and into the community. Let’s do all we can to focus on that priority of establishing a culture of belonging. We are all a part of each student’s journey. Their success is our success. If a student doesn’t feel supported at home, knowing that the entire community is waiting to celebrate your graduation might just make a difference.

jenna morton she said times transcript

Growing Up Digital

Harvard University is letting prospective students know their ability to be decent human beings – even in online groups with privacy settings – matters. But it goes beyond Harvard hopefuls, beyond high school students. It…

jenna morton she said times transcript

Middle Class Waiting on Daycare Solutions

My Ontario friends with young children are cautiously jubilant this week. Their province has announced a universally accessible child care plan. Ontario is spending $1.6 billion over five years to create thousands of new subsidized…