Remembrance Day 2020
Many traditional events may not be happening in 2020 to mark Remembrance Day (because of the COVID 19 pandemic), which means families might want to take some time to reflect and remember together at home. (The national ceremony will be shared via livestream on Facebook this year. Local events are invitation-based, to protect the safety of veterans attending, so we’re not sharing a list this year.)
You can find amazing resources on the Veterans Canada website to help you talk with children of all ages about Canada’s military, which is especially wonderful if you’re homeschooling or trying to augment remote learning this year.
You might also want to plan a family visit to the War Museum in Petitcodiac to discover many local stories and memorabilia from various military conflicts.
We’ve also seen folks posting online that it would be wonderful to fill our windows with poppies this year, much like we did with rainbows when the pandemic first arrived. To help you out, we’ve created a simple poppy colouring sheet. Please feel free to use this or create your own & share your photos with us on social media!
Working on a small craft project together provides a wonderful opportunity for family discussions. Click here for more details on creating a wreath for Remembrance Day from cardboard egg cartons, as well as other crafts we’ve created.
A fantastic way to approach any topic is through reading. We’ve compiled a list of books you might want to read with younger kids, with suggestions for preschoolers through to early elementary ages. For older kids, we recommend Deborah Ellis’ Breadwinner Trilogy, which also has a graphic novelization and screen adaptation, for an understanding of life under Taliban rule in Afghanistan. We’re working to find some other titles for older children to add to our list, as well, so please drop a note in the comments if you have suggestions!