campobello island staycation ideas new brunswick summer vacation podcast pickle planet travel tourism

New Brunswick Staycation Summer ideas on Campobello Island

Campobello Island is home to lighthouses, whale watching, epic sea glass finds, U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt’s summer home (now an international park you can visit), and of course amazing local folks like Stephanie Anthony who are more than happy to share their little bit of paradise with you!

Stephanie is involved in two of the island’s annual festivals, the Campobello Island Seaglass Festival  and Campobello Fog Fest, and she’s our guest on this episode of the #StaycationSummer series, our weekly chats with hometown ambassadors from around New Brunswick.

You’ll want to listen in for all of Stephanie’s insider details, but here are a few highlights to know:

A trip to Campobello in 2020 guarantees a ferry ride. You can hop on the free Deer Island ferry that leaves from L’Etete, New Brunswick, then maybe take some time to explore that island (home to Old Sow, the largest tidal whirlpool in the western hemisphere!) before hopping on a second ferry (you’ll have to pay for this one & don’t forget to check the sailing times to plan your crossing) to Campobello.

Also a guarantee: you should book where you’re staying in advance, as this is a small island with only so much to go around. You can find a list of accommodations here; a few standouts are Pollock Cove Resort, Friar’s Bay Inn & Cottages, Campobello Whale Watch Motel, and the Herring Cove Provincial Campground.

You can find a list of island lighthouses here, and follow the Campobello Island Seaglass Festival Facebook Page for all your beachcombing needs. Don’t forget to book a whale watching tour, as well; you’re sure to see seals, sea birds, and so much more! For where to eat while on the island, check out the list at Visit Campobello.

Pssst! If you need even more island inspiration, check out these guides to vacationing in Campobello and Grand Manan from our fave mermaid, Crystal – and be sure to listen to her podcast chat with us all about where to find the best fried clams in New Brunswick, where to hunt for beach glass, and more!

Mama & Papa Pickle are hoping to island hop for our 10th wedding anniversary; be sure to watch for more updates on our adventures on our social media, too! And don’t forget: if you’re planning a New Brunswick staycation with an overnight hotel/campground/rental, save your receipts! The Province of New Brunswick is offering residents 20% back on up to $1,000 spent vacationing local this year! You can find the full details on the government’s website.

Thanks for listening, and don’t forget to check out our other episodes as well, filled with ideas for vacationing in Saint John, Sussex, Miramichi, Bathurst and more!

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