how to make christmas playdough

Our Traditional Christmas Play Dough Recipe


Making your own play dough can be a great way to engage your kids in the kitchen & let their little creative minds wander. It can also save you a few pennies and provide you with an awesome go-to hostess gift for holiday play dates! We use food colouring, spices, and sometimes even a little glitter to make our Christmas Play Dough festive. Read on for the full recipe & instructions!

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christmas playdough

This is a great recipe that can easily be doubled and tripled if you’re looking to make a lot of play dough. The cooking portion doesn’t take very long; you can prep, make, and have kids playing with the dough within 30 minutes. It’s more work than some play dough recipes you’ll find, but this is the recipe I grew up using and I can’t say enough great things about how long it lasts & how wonderfully squishy it remains!

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Christmas Play Dough Recipe Supplies

  •     1 cup flour
  •     1/2 cup salt
  •     2 tsp cream of tartar
  •     1 cup water
  •     1 tbsp oil
  •     food colouring (optional)
  •     glitter (optional)
  •     ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, etc (optional)

Instructions for making Christmas Play Dough

Mix your dry ingredients together: flour, salt, and cream of tartar.

Mix your wet ingredients together: water and oil. (If you’re only making one colour at a time, feel free to put the food colouring in with the wet ingredients; it is easier. If you’d like to have several colours to play with, leave it out for now.)

Gradually mix the two groups together in a saucepan over medium heat. The dough might appear runny at first, but will start to firm up fairly quickly.

Sprinkle some flour on the counter, and if you’re going to use food colouring, break out the rubber gloves.

Take the pot off the heat when the dough starts to firm up just enough that it’s not runny. Give it a good stir, then as soon as it’s sticky enough, take it out of the pot. Place it on your lightly floured surface.

If you’re going to be creative, here’s your moment. Break the dough into smaller portions and have fun! Consider colouring one portion brown and adding about a teaspoon of ginger. Plain white dough and blue dough both look great with glitter. Add a dab of mint extract mixed with your green and sprinkle cinnamon in with the red.

Knead the dough until it feels like play dough.

Store in an air-tight container; recycled pickle jars, mason jars, etc work great for gifting, while cleaned up plastic yogurt and ice cream containers are great at home.

This play dough might take a little work, but it would last until next Christmas if you could convince the kids to keep putting it back in its container!


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