hiking day cape breton tradition unstructured play unsupervised children

Hiking Day is a Cape Breton tradition that promotes unstructured play

I’ve lived in several provinces, each tending to call the holiday Monday in May something slightly different. May 2-4; more a nod to how many beer you buy than the original date we’re celebrating. Maylong;…

mental health crisis new brunswick

Youth mental health deserves more than flippant responses from government

There’s an obvious disconnect happening in our society, and while there’s no single answer to solve the issues we’ve created, there are a few obvious steps we could be taking to improve the situation –…

photo ben sweet moncton mayor pete new brunswick politician politics millenial leader inspiration

Where is New Brunswick’s Mayor Pete?

I don’t know Mayor Pete, but I’m starting to really like him. Seems a lot of other folks are, too, and not just those in his hometown of South Bend, Indiana, where he’s wrapping up…

visitor information centre new brunswick

Visitor Information Centres about more than just directions

New Brunswickers are resilient. We are creative. We can do incredible things when pushed to think outside traditional parameters. And shaking up the status quo of our provincial approach to tourism is not a bad…

riverview waterfront development

Riverview waterfront development could appeal to a new type of resident

Perhaps it was a moment of foreshadowing. An acquaintance who is moving to the Greater Moncton Area with his wife and young child recently asked my opinion about places to live. They’re coming from a…

opt out presumed consent organ donation nova scotia new brunswick

Presumed consent for organ donation makes sense

Nova Scotia is poised to become the first North American jurisdiction to adopt an opt-out approach to organ donation, and I sincerely hope it sparks a trend across our country. It is a decision that…

youth mental health awareness week moncton

Youth Mental Health Awareness Week: Build Your Grit

Fifteen years ago, I sat down to interview a group of elementary school students about stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges they and their friends were experiencing. This was before Facebook and Snapchat and…

arts education new brunswick pickle planet

Arts education deserves our attention, too

My social and traditional media feeds, as well as my conversations among friends, remain largely occupied with discussions around our provincial government’s review of Early French Immersion. I’m engaged in the debate and think it’s…

emotional intelligence critical thinking children Photo by Rubén Bagüés on Unsplash

The continued case for teaching emotional intelligence and critical thinking

There’s a lot of truth in that old saying; ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same.’ I’ve been struck often lately by how similar some of the issues facing our children are,…

reading together family importance aloud pickle planet moncton

How Reading Could Save Us All

Tuesday, February 19 was my day of rest this winter. I’d been flat out since mid-December, working on project after project on top of project. There were also all the usual day-to-day responsibilities, and the…