Community Corner: Q&A with the youngest cast member in Oliver! & her mom
I’ve been thinking a lot about these parents as I watch them endlessly dropping off, picking up, delivering materials, helping their kids learn their parts, balancing work, school and home, promoting them like a well paid agent, and on and on and on. Why do they do it? More appropriately, how do they do it? It never ceases to amaze me how much a parent will give for their child.
Community Corner: Capitol Theatre
This is a great beauty of introducing performing arts to children. It does not matter whether your child wants to sing, dance, act, tell jokes, play music, or juggle chainsaws. (Maybe don’t let your child juggle chainsaws.) It’s about seeing them being bold and confident, about giving them a place to put themselves in front of the world and feel good about it. It’s about making that normal for them from a young age so they trust and believe in themselves. Whether they do what they do flawlessly and feel the satisfaction of that accomplishment, or they trip up, feel the support and encouragement of others, and learn how to continue moving forward. Either journey is a win.